The five primary vaccinations that you need to get for your cat include feline distemper, feline circovirus, feline herpes virus type I and rabies. The two most important optional vaccines for your cat include feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and bacteria upper respiratory infection vaccines.
Feline Leukemia Virus
Due to how easily the Feline Leukemia Virus can be spread from one cat to another, this should be a required vaccination. FeLV can be spread through the saliva and nasal secretions from an infected cat to a non-infected cat. It can be spread through urine and feces as well. The Feline Leukemia Virus can live for a while after it leaves an infected cat, which means that the virus can be transmitted by human carriers and by surfaces where it lands.
Your cat is at the highest risk for transmitting FeLV if they ever go outside, to the vet, to the groomer, to the pet store or anywhere else where they could come into contact with another cat. If your cat is always inside, their chances of contracting FeLV are much lower. Your cat is at greatest risk of getting FeLV when they are a kitten and their immune system is not well-developed.
You can protect your cat from FeLV with th vaccination. For FeLV, your cat is given an initial vaccination followed by two boaster shots that make the vaccination effective for the long-term.
Bacterial Upper Respiratory Infections
Another optional vaccination you should look into are ones that protect against upper respiratory infections. The two most common upper respiratory infections your cat could contract are Bordetella and Chlamydia.
Both Bordetella and Chlamydia are highly infectious and are spread through respiratory secretions and through contact with contaminated surfaces. These infections can stick around for a while, which contributes to their effectiveness.
Bacterial upper respiratory infections are so dangerous because they can easily turn into pneumonia, which can be hard for your cat to fight off.
If your cat is ever around other cats, it is a good idea to get your cat vaccinated against upper respiratory infections. If you have more than one cat, you should have both cats vaccinated against upper respiratory infections.
Talk to a veterinarian at businesses like 1st Pet Veterinary Centers about your cat's socialization with other cats, and see if they think your cat should get the two optional vaccinations discussed above. Both the FeLV and upper respiratory infection vaccinations can protect your cat against serious diseases that can really damage their health.